HMN Member Jennifer Letzer
Jennifer Letzer is 36 years old and has 3 children, ages 8, 6 and 3. Her husband Devin is Irish, and their children’s names are Irish – Ruairi (pronounced Rory), Saoirse (Sor-sha) and Ciaran (Keer-an). When Saoirse started preschool, she was frustrated that people couldn’t pronounce her name, but Jennifer told her to give it time, and eventually it would work out. Jennifer was a newspaper reporter in California before becoming a mom. She is currently a labor and post-partum doula and Lactation Educator working towards certification through the Childbirth and Postpartum Professional Association (CAPPA). CAPPA is an international certification organization for Doulas, Childbirth Educators, and Lactation Educators. Her plan had been to go back to reporting, but, she said, […]